For people from 1 – 99 years
Duration: 45 minutes
“SiSiNonNon” are five people. Five superhuman, crazy bundles of energy, exuberantly enthusiastic about circus and colours. Gus, Rico, Giou, Toto and Pink Lady, five circus characters with a wide range of abilities, express their joy about their encounters. They are the heroes of a great troupe in which anything can happen. Their high spirits, their quirkiness and their little craziness are part of of their funny and slightly crazy everyday lives.
Forget about any logic and and leave the greyness of everyday life behind you! In this sparkling world, there is no such thing as too much! Because: Whatever may exist outside, here the grass is pinker…!
The two companies SiSiNonNon and Le Collectif du Plateau ° Or, là… are presented by Palmira Picón, director of Quelques’Arts … , National Center for Street Art and Public Space in Annonay.